What I've been up to

So, no sooner do I post a big thing about Automated Transparent development do I immediately seem to disappear for a month :smile:

So here’s what’s been up:

  1. We received torrential rains in my area and my garage flooded and we’ve been dealing with that

  2. We’re nearing a point release on OpenFL and I’ve been trying to push it along.

On the second point – OpenFL is the open source software DQ1HD/DQ2 are based on. It has a “legacy” channel right now which is the stable version of the old point release, which will work forever but has various limitations. If we absolutely have to, we’ll release with this, and we can compile the game today with it, in fact that’s what’s been uploaded to the server consistently.

However, we really want to be on the new version, because a bunch of features I’ve never quite been able to tackle yet in legacy (particularly certain graphic effects, and ultimately compatibility with game consoles), depend on it. To that end I’ve been making lots of contributions to push us past this. (Ask any Unity developer how the transition to version 5 has been treating them :P)

Of course, I forgot that this activity ain’t gonna show up on the automated progress tracker!

So sorry about that. Anyways, I’m alive, daily work is continuing, point release should be done soon, and if nothing else I’ll pop out a legacy build with some new bugfixes/progress shortly.


sounds great. I actually like the fact that support DQ in general means moving forward what I feel is a cool open source project. The console stuff posted on Twitter has been pretty neat actually.