— Begin quote from "Anthony"
Actually, it is currently set up so that there are 4 more white skulls than can be spent. I did this to give some flexibility, but I can see how it would bother people to have those extra skulls, so maybe I’ll just yank them. However, bronze and obsidian should be entirely used up. By my counts, the total possible to earn right now are 82 / 15 / 7, and if you buy all upgrades you spend 78 / 15 / 7. If people are seeing otherwise, please let me know - it’s possible there’s some incorrect data.
Also, what do people think about the white skulls? Will 4 extra skulls just destroy your OCD minds? Maybe I should make it 1 extra skull, just to be super troll-y. 
— End quote
Looks like the hermit is not charging the right amount of skulls. From what I can count, to buy everything from the hermit, I need:
White Skulls: 68
Bronze Skulls: 16
Obsidian Skulls: 6
So that’s why I have a left over skulls.
And I’m pretty sure I got every item too. Correct me if I’m wrong, but there are total of 28 items. Those being:
- 6 Swords
- 5 Bows
- 5 Staffs
- 6 light armor
- 6 heavy armor
Lastly, I don’t really mind the left over skulls. I’m swimming in 11 million scraps anyway so it could be worse. (HOORAY FOR 300% REWARD!!)