1.01 Endless Restart without cashout button


I have run through Endless 2 twice and both times I died after Wave 60 but did not receive the rewards (first time Wave ~90ish, second time ~115). I was Not playing New Game plus yet. I did not have an option to leave battle (the button below the Wave # that I noticed in Endless 1). I have started a New Game Plus so I do not know if I can go back anymore.

Thank you

Hmm, someone else posted a similar bug - seems to be a legit problem for some (or all? has anyone successfully gotten these rewards?) people. I’m looking at the data and I see no differences between Endless 1 and Endless 2. A strange bug, hopefully we can nail it down. Great to notice that the option to leave wasn’t there either - that suggests that for some reason the game doesn’t think it’s an endless battle.

On the plus side, you can go back and play the non-NG+ version any time - both maps are active and all progress is shared. Hopefully we can figure out this bug soon.

OS: Win7
Level: Normal (not plus mode) Bonus Endless 2
Player Input: After the stage started, use restart to start the stage over.
Expected: Start over same stage, same user interface.
Outcome: Start over same stage, cashout button missing.

(My guess it happens in other stages with cashout button as well, but so far I only tried in this stage.)

Extra information: It didn’t count as completed challenge when I continue play and eventually lost after at least level 120, not sure if I must cash out to claim that, or it is a part of the bug.

DUDE!!! I think we have figured out why people aren’t getting their rewards!

Thank you so much for this bug report - it was super easy to reproduce that, and I’m pretty sure I know what’s happening now. It seems simple - when you restart, some relevant startup data is being lost that loads a slightly different kind of battle, which makes it not resolve rewards correctly, among other things. This is great stuff. Let me see if I can fix this now.

Okay, wow - this was simple. It’s simply not recognizing it as a bonus battle the second time through, because I’m not restarting the battle with the “is bonus” flag set to true. Passed that in, BAM, the “cash out” button reappears!

Gonna test it now and see if this also fixes the “WHERE ARE MY REWARDS???” bug.

YEP. That’s it. People who weren’t getting their rewards must have restarted the battle at least once.

NP, just ran into the bug once, by recalling what I did and try to reproduce, the hints are petty obvious :slight_smile:

Gonna move this to “fixed bugs” now :slight_smile: