Book of Daring


So… what does the “Book of Daring” do? Or rather: what benefits does the Book of Daring give? For the love of pete, I just can’t find out if there is any benefit of using that Book… at all -.-

There’s no benefit, at least for now. We were running out of ideas for books, and decided to add some “bad” ones that intentionally make the game harder.

In a future update we might have special uses for it though.

And here i was using this book the whole time, thinking that there is a hidden benefit that i just didn’t realize -.-

There’s the benefit of knowing that you are awesome even in the face of self-imposed adversity!

Seriously, though, we’ll come up with something, and we’ll let you know when it’s in the game.

Question. Is there something special you need to do in order to get it? It says you need to reach wave 60; I got up to Wave 90 before dying and got nothing.

@GG Crono:

That sounds like a bug! Has anyone else encountered this?

Furthermore - any details? Did you lose the level, or cash out? Also, had you previously earned the other reward for that battle? If not, were you rewarded with that, etc? I’m trying to figure out what little random details might be relevant.

…cash out? What do you mean? checks

Oh. Huh. I didn’t realize that was a thing. I thought the point of an “endless” game was to keep going until you died. So I assumed that was what I had to do to get the reward.

You can definitely do it that way, but once you’ve reached a certain threshold, you can also cash out early. All it does is automatically kill Azra - in an endless battle, if you’ve already met the threshold for a reward, you should get it whether she dies naturally or whether you cash out.

Oh, well in that case, I very definitely did not get it when Azra died in Endless 2.

I did get the reward from beating Endless 1 after cashing out around wave 64.

I’ve heard other similar reports. I checked the data and didn’t see anything wrong, but we should look into this again because multiple people are coming across it now.

I also died in Wave 90 and didn’t get the Book of Daring :frowning:

I feel lucky, the only bug I’ve run across in 1.0.1 is the “no cutscene when you go to the first Hermit” bug. Everyone else seems to be losing out on Stars or Skulls or having their Archers being killed by Porcupine Damage, or something… :frowning:

/me highfive Marak.

Me too I haven’t seen anything more drastic than missing the first hermit cutscene :slight_smile:

As a side note, I got a Book of Darin in the first playthrougth. I don’t have tried it, because seriously the game is hard enough.

What about getting better reward with this book equipped, like 20% extra XP?
(Just some random suggestion come up in mind)

What does the Book of Daring do?

— Begin quote from "larsiusprime"

There’s no benefit, at least for now. We were running out of ideas for books, and decided to add some “bad” ones that intentionally make the game harder.

In a future update we might have special uses for it though.

— End quote

And elsewhere it’s explained that it disables recalling defenders, so it’s like a classic TD. You place them once and they stay there till they die, and when they die they stay dead for the remainder of the battle.
So, instead of a self-imposed challenge, you can now have it enforced by system :slight_smile:

My guess is that we’ll end up having some special battle that requires you to equip the negative books in order to enter. We may tweak things a little, but that’s the rough plan. And of course there would be something cool for those who complete the battle.