Defender's Quest is coming To Steam

As some of you guessed, this is the big announcement.

Details below: ... steam.html

To me, the Gold Edition coming out in the next week is much more important.
EDIT: Yeah, 25th post!

Let’s call it two big announcements then. :slight_smile:


Huzzah for you guys! :smiley:

Congratulations! )
And I’m glad that i’m one of some people that don’t email you guys )))

PS. If you will not send keys to steam for existent users i’ll buy it again on winter holiday on 75% discount )))
PPS. And if you will - you don’t need to send 16 000 keys. If you will send them on email from which we have brought the game by demand from us - i think it will be 25% (4000 keys) max. Maybe less

4000 is still way too many keys to manually generate and email out to people.

that largely depends on how manual is the process… it shouldn’t be that hard to automate if you’re Lars :slight_smile:

I know there’s some way to generate it automatically–Humble Bundle (or is it Indie Royale?) will generate Steam keys for you on the fly if you click a button. Just depends on whether it’s worth the time to build a script to do it. I’d expect that you could store all the steam keys in a table and do something like:

user enters email address they bought the game with in a web form
if email address is registered
  get next unused steam key
  send send key to address
  mark email as being steamed
  mark steam key as used

Failing that, someone from one of the Bundle teams might be willing to help, especially if you’re interested in a bundle as a method of distribution.

There probably is, and if we can figure that out so it’s not a nightmare, we could do it.

We have email addresses from our fastspring customers (those that bought the game direct from our site), but we DON’T have the same information for our kongregate customers, we just have usernames, and as far as I know there’s no way to line up a database of steam keys and kong usernames and batch-send messages to kong players (if there was, I imagine there’d be huge potential to abuse it for spamming). Also, the majority of our customers were on Kongregate.

So I think we could in theory eventually work out a solution for FastSpring, but that’s just the first step.

I’ve never programmed Flash before, so I don’t know how easy either solution would be, but it seems there are a couple of other ways it could work. Add a button to the Kong version for a Steam key. Then either 1) Ask the user for an email address if they didn’t already enter one and proceed as before (or generate a token and redirect to a webpage where they can enter it). Or 2) Just pull a new key and link it to the Kong account, no email required.

Were you planning on trying to push a message to Kong buyers about Gold? If so, you could push a similar message about Steam keys. If not, you’d need to rely on them pulling keys anyway.

(Please feel free to stop me if you’ve already been over this with your team or I’m stating the obvious, by the way.)