A quick one:
Why in the name of schwarzenegger did you guys change the graphic style? It was a beautiful 2D/retro/pixelated/perfect graphic in DQ1 and now DQ2 seems like a new flash tower defense like the ones on Kongregate. Ok, it’s up to you to decide, but it didn’t caught me like the first one did. And how dare you guys spit on the plate from which you ate!? By saying the cutscenes will be much better? What is wrong with the original cutscenes? I think they’re amazing! And I am an artist myself, miles away from any of those whom you are working with, but I still am. Anyway, just felt like I should get this out of my chest. I love DQ1 and I’m looking foward to play DQ2 - Don’t Touch My Gems…ops sorry, DQ2 - Mists of Ruin.
*Sorry for poor english