I was told the normal bug tracking system is going to be replaced soon, so just post a comment on the forum. I’m not sure which forum, though, so feel free to move this post to wherever it makes sense.
This is for DQ2 pre-alpha “aleph” א release 0.0.0 .
I’m going to start off with a comment about something I think was deliberate, but I don’t care for. Map dragging seems to have a somewhat mushy and disconnected feel. Sub-part 1: When dragging the map, the display follows the mouse pointer, decelerating when it gets close. Since you are directly dragging the map, to me it feels more normal to have it follow the mouse pointer exactly. Sub-part 2: After dragging the map, stopping the mouse movement, but still keeping the mouse button held down, the map still smoothly scrolls a bit until it matches the mouse position. This feels awkward, as the map is moving even though I’m holding it still. Having some momentum after letting go of the mouse button might make some sense, but not while holding the button. (The map dragging in DQ1 feels more natural to me: the map follows your dragging exactly.)
On a positive note, I do like that it only took me only two tries in hero mode to beat the sheep level on extreme difficulty.
update: GitHub issue #12