(This is not the big announcement, but I just heard back from our relevant contact over at Big-Announcement-Type-Folks, so maybe I’ll have something to announce by the end of the week).
More relevantly, I just posted a new http://www.fortressofdoors.com/2012/07/freeloadable-content-alternative-to.html. Many people have asked us whether we’ll be releasing DLC or expansion packs in the future. We’ve promised of course that we will be releasing free updates (gold edition, bug fixes, new features, etc) for the life of the project, but we hadn’t decided whether we would additionally make some “bonus content” - such as official total conversion mods and the like - available for purchase as paid DLC.
After thinking about it, I’ve concluded that paid DLC is fundamentally broken, for both the developer and the player. The blog post goes into full details. I talked the idea over with Anthony, and he thought it was a good idea, too.
A quick summary for those who didn’t RTFA:
Instead of selling DLC after we’ve developed it to cover its funding, we instead go to the community and ask them for the money to justify its development by running a small kickstarter asking for a modest amount. If it works, we make the DLC and release it to all owners of the game as a free update.
So, in the future, if we ever ask money for a DLC pack, we will do it under the “FreeLC” model.
http://www.fortressofdoors.com/2012/07/freeloadable-content-alternative-to.html has full details and addresses possible problems with the model.
What do you think?