I’ve seen in the wiki and on here mention of it but can you guys share what kind of features are going to be added or an idea of what your considering to add
Gold edition
I think it was posted as Bonus Edition if my memory serves me correctly.
There is a brief overview on the actual Defender’s Quest website, in the FAQ, under the “What Do I Get?” subsection.
— Begin quote from "mardracula"
I think it was posted as Bonus Edition if my memory serves me correctly.
There is a brief overview on the actual Defender’s Quest website, in the FAQ, under the “What Do I Get?” subsection.
— End quote
thats one of the places that mentions it yes but it only confirms there will be one i was looking for details
“We don’t want to spoil the surprise just yet, but in general expect more end-game content, some new story material, more challenges, more items, achievements, and some unique new ways to play the game.” Is all they have said about it and probably all they will say about it until a later date when they have the game updated and perfected more.
right thanks for pointing out the obvious when you can answer the question come on back and let me know i dont need the press release info on the main site i could read that for myself
Well if any more info was released on the bonus game it would be there. Just trying to help, no need for backlash.
Hey, be nice to people.
We haven’t released too many details yet, the biggest new features I can comment on are some sort of New Game +, magic books for Azra that change various rules in a level, visual polish, and a lot more endless bonus missions, etc. We’ll probably throw in achievement support, and if we can manage it, a data-driven version of the game that will let you tweak the data files yourself (to change balance, or support “unofficial” mods, etc). That’s not a full list but it’s the most immediate things we’re working on.
Hi scores!
sorry want trying to be rude but to constantly refering to the main page everyone has read doesnt answer the question the piece refered to didnt give an answer so doing i twice is just stupid but your right nextime i will just ignore it and not respond at all