How can i join Alpha/Beta stages of DQ2?

Hi, i read a few things here about people getting access to the Defender’s Quest 2 game early by pre-ordering it, how can i go about this or is this not a thing? I pre-ordered a long time ago during a humble bundle.

Depends if you put in a pre-order for the alpha stage amount ($50usd), beta amount ($35usd) or for the basic level of preorder($15usd). If you paid for alpha tier, then you should email Lars at or PM @larsiusprime on here.

There is a way to increase your pre-order, as well.

from the FAQ page

If I preorder now, can I upgrade to a higher tier later?

Maybe. I’ve been talking to Humble Store about this, and they say it’s technically possible but a bit labor intensive to do the upgrades by hand. If there’s enough demand for this, I will try to look into an automated solution with them.

In the meantime, just contact us directly and we’ll make sure you’re taken care of.

Yeah, just email us at with the details and we’ll sort you out.