Does anyone know the formula for HP on monsters? I figured out the ones for attack, armor, PSI gained, final hit and such, but not for HP.
For example, for the vanilla Revenant, this is the data available in data_enemy,xml:
<stats hp="8" armor="0" speed="1" str="1" psi="2" gold="1" xp=".5"/>
<levelup hp="13" armor="0" speed="0" str="0" psi="0.2" gold="0.3" xp="0.1"/>
Speed, PSI, Gold and XP work as usual. However, looking for the HP in-game, this is the progression:
Level | Expected HP | Real HP
1 8 8
2 21 21
3 34 35
4 47 50
5 60 66
6 73 82
7 86 99
8 99 117
9 112 136
10 125 155
11 138 175
12 151 196
13 164 217
14 177 240
15 190 263
16 203 287
17 216 311
18 229 336
19 242 362
20 255 389
Similar behavior happens for all the other monsters. Does anyone know why?
Also, in Casual difficulty, monsters have decreased HP, Attack and Armor, but I can’t figure out by how much it is decreased.
Knowing these would greatly help me in automating content creation for the wiki. Currently I have to do all battles in all difficulties and take notes of every monster’s HP.
Thank you in advance.