Humble price widget bug

At, the Humble widget isn’t the same when you check that 13+ checkbox.

Before checking it:

After checking it:

The “Buy with Google” thing disappears is the only issue. However, the PayPal button and the size of some things change too.

EDIT: Oh I see how it is: The greyed out widget is actually an image! Wow haha.

As your second screenshot shows, only PayPay and Amazon is available for use with the Humble Widget. And it looks like Google Wallet won’t ever be added, since it looks like Google Wallet is going away.

(I pre-ordered DQ2 a while ago, and I think I did the same thing… I wanted to pay with Google Wallet, and I figured it was possible since the picture was there, but had to investigate why that option disappeared. I think I initially thought that the site not working properly with the web browser.)

I think that’s something on Humble’s backend with their widgets, when I went to preorder DQ:MoR it wasn’t there. So probably it got updated since then, after Google fully retired the Wallet API.