I hate twitter and it’s 140 character limit, and these boards seem like a fine place to discuss things like this.
To throw my hat into the ring:
Final Fantasy IV on Steam. See, Final Fantasy IV was an okay HD re-master for the DS. And then it was ported to Android, where they dumbed it down significantly in order to run on there. Minigames removed, FPS limit turned down and in battles the FPS counter was locked at 10-12 frames per second. The Android version looked and played like complete crap.
So you can guess which version they brought to Steam. A port of the Android version, which somehow felt like it played even WORSE, with non-responsive buttons in battle and battles taking forever. It was the only time I’ve been disappointed by a remake of Final Fantasy, after god knows how many times.
The Star Fox 64 remake was panned when it was released, as I remember, for not keeping all the original voiceacting as an option and removing the ground based units in multiplayer. Something else too, I forget. I wrote it off completely for not having the decency to make the original VA an option.
The Final Fantasy 1 GBA remake received a lot of criticism for significantly changing up the battle system, doing away with the Dungeon & Dragons-style spell slots in favor of the generic MP system that all other Final Fantasy games had. You had 8 tiers of spells and a certain number of times you could cast from each tier, as I remember.
The Avernum series also received a ton of criticism and disappointment from old fans when Jeff Vogel severely chopped off huge portions of content from the games. Down was your party size from 6 to 4, down was your list of magic spells, you had significantly less party building options available to you. The game didn’t even offer to let you add 6 as an option. The game looked better and ran good on more modern computers, yes, but trimming the appeal of Avernum - the large party building mechanics - was one of the worst things an HD remake could have done.
One Way Heroics+ was essentially the original game with some DLC, but they resold it as an entirely new game. People who purchased the first one were not given a discount. Not necessarily bad in terms of gameplay, but that’s a horrible way to screw your fans over.
Spelunky HD was a good game, but the decision to not put work into online multiplayer in favor of couch co-op was a major disappointment. Same with Motherload HD catering only to couch co-op.
Anyone else able to think of some disappointing remakes?