I’m making this post mainly to see what would tempt you guys to buy DQ1, had you not already, or what would make you check it out.
I can think of a few ideas, personally, but I can’t vouch for how good they may be.
Getting on the front page of Steam, boasting a ‘Free graphics and content update!’.
If you don’t think people can beat Defender’s Quest in the span of a single day, a Free Day event like other games on Steam have. Skyrim recently had a free weekend. People who get halfway through a game are more likely to buy it when the free period runs out. This would probably require people not be able to launch DQ from their SteamApps folder DRM-free, though, otherwise you give everyone on Steam the game permanently for free.
75% off coupons for DQ in Steam. Not sure how well this would work. Do coupons work better or worse than simply putting the game on sale, I wonder.
Hosting a Mod Workshop contest, to show support for the modding community, resulting in good PR and potential press articles. What other game developer on Steam has done anything like that, openly supported their modding community with contests? Assuming it gets more than 3 really good submissions, you cold give #1 a Smithy Tier of DQ2, #2 Special Friend and #3 Alpha Tier.
Make the hidden nude code in DQ1 for Slak public.
Anyone else have some?