
So as some of you have noticed, the spam problem has been getting a little out of control and we’re reaching the limits of what we can do with automated tools. Meanwhile, I’m busier than ever with final bits of DQ1 support and desperately trying to get DQ2 dev time in.

So, it’s time to appoint moderators. I’ve already elevated ThatGirlwiththeBoots, since she’s always the first to notify me of spam flooding our fair forum, and I’m ready to appoint some of the rest of you if you feel you’re up for the task. If you meet the requirements below, please PM me with a moderator elevation request:

  1. Have been on this forum for a while
  2. Post and visit the forum regularly
  3. Do not have an aggressive/combative personality prone to starting flamewars
  4. Will not be tempted to abuse your moderator powers
  5. Enjoy helping others
  6. Enjoy destroying spammers

Since we’re still a pretty small forum and we mostly get along, the main job of moderators will be ban-hammering clear-cut, unambiguous cases of spam that somehow manage to slip through the filters. If and when we get to a level of forum maturity where we have to start disciplining regular users (hopefully a long time from now) we’ll lay down some clear rules for that.

As always, I really appreciate the help and support of our community, and I’ll be sure to make various special goodies available to those who volunteer their time as moderators.