The “how long the unit was on the map” idea works pretty well. Let me explore the implications.
1) This removes most of the weird behavior.
Since getting max xp is no longer a totally binary thing, this just straight-up rewards you for putting characters on the map early, so there’s no real last-minute thing to do. This is a pretty strong feature IMHO.
2) This makes characters you use more get more xp
This is also pretty straightforward - it makes the things you use get stronger, which generally makes sense.
3) It appropriately rewards death/non-participation in a very direct way
By making this thing non-binary, you don’t have the problem of “bob spent 99% of his time in the game and got whacked, so now he gets nothing!” It also doesn’t super-punish people who have to recall defenders who already did a lot of stuff.
4) The metagame effect is subtle rather than overt.
Yeah, this does encourage you to place characters you want rewarded super early(see point 1 below), but at the same time the metagame effect doesn’t lend itself to really glitchy, loophole-y gaming. You get rewarded for characters you use early on in the battle, and characters you don’t use get proportionately less. It’s not like, “characters get rewarded based on actions taken” which leads to weird situations where you intentionally try to get your guys hurt so your healers can do more actions and level up more, or you try to focus on getting as many hits in as possible with as many characters rather than actually trying to kill monsters and win the battle.
So those are things in its favor. There are a few downsides:
1) It punishes classes used primarily in late-battle strategies
If you always place rangers first and dragons last, then rangers go up and up and dragons go down and down. That might encourage you to mix things up and place dragons first, but it’s a thing that I see and I’m not sure how it would play out. This could be a plus if it implicitly encourages you to do some sort of “crop cycling” in your strategy, where you are discouraged from just using your favorite class at the same time in battle over and over again, but it’s still a strategy you’re doing because of metagame, so I’m kinda mixed on this one.
2) The system isn’t super clear to the player
Let’s say we normalize things so that the first character placed gets 100%, and then everyone else within a certain fudge space gets an amount proportional to how much time they spent on the map compared to the first guy, so 90%, 80%, etc, and we cap the bottom at 50%. It’s going to be hard to communicate visually who got less than 100%, and also why, since there’s not a binary nature to it. As flawed as the current system is, it’s pretty unambiguous that the guys on the map get full xp and everyone else gets somewhat less than that.
3) Might interfere with basic gameplay strategy via xp metagame
So, the current system isn’t great, but maximizing XP doesn’t interfere too much with just trying to win the battle, as it’s usually just a little awkward dance you do at the end, either summoning everyone you can afford, or unsummoning guys and then resummoning everyone at boost level 1 so you can cram 'em all in. If the first guy you place is also the one who gets the most XP, then you’re going to be thinking both in terms of winning AND xp maximization. I’m not against this in principle, but I’d like to avoid any cross-incentives if possible.
So, I guess the downsides were a bit wordier than the pluses, don’t take that to mean I give them greater weight - it’s an interesting idea and I like it pretty well.
After reading/thinking about all this, I think my main optimal criteria for any new system to replace the old one is:
- Very easy to communicate visually
- Doesn’t create an XP meta-game at cross-purposes with just trying to win the battle
- Does not reward all characters equally, so they don’t all wind up at the same level
- Doesn’t encourage awkward/weird/unfun behavior
- DOES always provide at least 50% xp to non-participants
Whatever we do, I’m inclined to provide an accessibility feature to adjust the system’s effect on non-participants, so you can slide it up to “full xp for everyone” if you like.
Accessibility options aside, though, for the default setup the two alternatives I’m pretty sure we can rule out are “full xp for everyone” and “insert complex participation formula.” For any participation system, the above one is as complex as I would let it get. Anything that goes into actions taken, etc, just becomes a can of worms.
One thing I think could work is modify this a bit to add a kind of “minimum time” aspect rather than normalize it based on start of the battle. So, if a character was on battle for X time, where X is like, 1/4 of the total battle time, or whatever, then you normalize based off of that, so everyone who spent at least 1/4 of the battle time on the map gets full XP, but people who spent less time than that get a sliding scale down to half.
If we made it binary, so if you spend less than X time you get 50%, and if you spend more you get 100%, that leads to gaming and neurosis, as you’re always afraid to unsummon a guy or whatever for fear you get screwed out of your 50%, but if its sliding it wouldn’t feel so bad maybe, it’s like, “meh, so he gets 1% less, whatever, I’ll keep playing.” And then, we can make the grey tint in the levelup screen alpha out in proportion to the penalty, so it’s darkest at a full 50% - someone who NEVER TOUCHED FOOT in the battle, a true bench-warmer, and then progressively less the more time they spent in battle.
So, this strategy wouldn’t encourage you to plonk down guys at the very end for one second because what’s the point? Now they get 50.1% instead of 50? Instead, it would encourage you to use unused psi earlier to get your guys in the game and get them their rewards.
It’s still not perfect, but I can already see this as being better than the current system.