I really love how you guys have programmed in the status effects! And the whole “total effectiveness is maintained” factor.
However… I feel that there is ONE area where this system is flawed. The DPS of poison and fire.
Simple. With the current system, enemies’ life expectancies are anywhere from 1-30 seconds, for non-bosses. IN ANY CASE, even for bosses and stuff… the longer the life expectancy, the more hits are expected to land on said enemy, right?
Anyhow, let’s start with a mob enemy with 10 second life expectancy.
This enemy is being hit by several archers who have poison passive. So, after 1 second, the mob now has 100 poison DPS, and it will last for 4+4+4=12 seconds (3 poison procs).
In other words… from this point on, ALL POISON PROCS ARE USELESS.
Same goes for enemies with longer life expectancies. The only difference is the “useless point” occurs later. However, in terms of “% of life expectancy”, the ratio will remain almost the same.
In other words, for a 10 second life expectancy revenant, only the first 1-2 seconds worth of poison procs are “useful”, all the rest are “useless”. So, about 10% of the poison procs are actually worth anything.
For a boss with a 500 second life expectancy, only the first 50 seconds worth of poison procs will be useful… 90% of the poison procs will be useless, since the duration will exceed the life expectancy.
Ok, how to fix this?
IMHO, I think that the durations for fire and poison status should have a cap… Something like 20 seconds for mobs and 3 minutes for bosses? Retain the “total effectiveness” mechanic, just make fire and poison damage occur within a shorter length of time?
As the game is, currently, poison is just weak weak weak.
Poison is ok currently in the situation where 1 archer is hitting 1 enemy, cause you can expect the poison to be contributing maybe 10% of the DPS.
But in a situation where multiple defenders are hitting someone, I think the poison damage might be less than 1% of the DPS, especially glaring in the case of multiple archers with maxxed out poison shooting 1 enemy…
Overall, I would say that poison damage, and to some extent fire damage, could use this buff…