I receive test version of Defender Quest from an email from The Level Up Labs Team, iam very thanks to you, this is a geat game, i love it, now i have some suggestion for you, it’s all my thought, hope that it’ll useful.
- Skill
- A skill makes a effect zone, this zone “live” about 30sec-1min, enemy who pass over this zone will be taken effect (reduce movement speed, damage, hp) - this skill is for Librarian
- A skill can teleport defender to other location - this skill is for Librarian
- Some skill like leech, add hero 's % hp to damage,
- A skill of defender can creat Psi (exp +10 Psi/5sec)
- Aura skill that add defence, damage
- More skill performance, as hero’s attacks will make a line of fire/ice, or a lighting comes from sky
- Character
- Hero like demon, dark force
- A hero uses spear, axe, shield
- Enemy
- Have stun skill
- Can reduce attack rate of defender
- Have aura skill with radius, add advantage for his team
- More model like animal-beast, or flying
- Some elite enemy can immune to 1 or more element
- Gameplay
- Have more bonus gift after a victorious battle, but player only choose one
- Dead heroes need time to respawn
- Some battle, defender will have an army (like dark force army)
- Item
- Some charm can increase defender skill level, or add HP/damage (a charm is equiped by 1 defender)
- Rune system : Fire, Ice, Earth, Metal, Lighting
Rune can be add to hero and make him/her stronger
Runes that can be gain after win battle
Agian, sorry for my bad English.