Satisfy my curiousity: What are you expecting of Mists of Ruin?

Reorder this list in any way you see fit, highest priority on the top and lowest at the bottom, remove options as you see fit. Clarify why you chose your top or bottom choices, if you want to.

If you can think of any typical game features I might have forgotten, feel free to suggest some.

Adult themes
Automation (Place characters, level them up, sit back and watch)
Battle mechanics
Character customization (skill speccing, etc)
Character design (appearance / personality, etc)
Challenges (non-canon special battle levels, ala Bonus Levels for books or the Super Sheep)
Difficulty levels (Casual/Normal/Hard/Extreme, etc)
Equipment / Loot
Fast-paced cutscenes (Short)
Family friendly themes
In-depth cutscenes (Long)
Interactivity (Spells / skills to cast during battle, ala Azra)
Language options
Moddability / Workshop
Multiple endings
Pop-culture references, fourth wall breaking
Post-release maintenance (Bugfixes, balance changes, etc)
Post-release updates (Content, story, side-quests, etc)
Puzzles (ala Mysterious Statue)
Real life morality / politics / social themes, etc
Release on other platforms (Consoles / Mobile / Handheld, etc)
Replayability / NewGame+ / Play+
Story - Narratively driven (Writer chooses direction)
Story - Player driven (Player chooses direction)
User customization options (EXP, Gold, Speed, etc)
Worldbuilding (that is, fleshing out the world, it’s history, cultures, etc)

I guess I can be the first one to post my expectations. Done in my own format in sections, instead of just listing them strictly from highest expectations to lowest.


Battle mechanics
Character customization (skill speccing, etc)
Character design (appearance / personality, etc)
In-depth cutscenes (Long)
Post-release maintenance (Bugfixes, balance changes, etc)
Replayability / NewGame+ / Play+
Story - Narratively driven (Writer chooses direction)
User customization options (EXP, Gold, Speed, etc)


Challenges (non-canon special battle levels, ala Bonus Levels for books or the Super Sheep)
Difficulty levels (Casual/Normal/Hard/Extreme, etc)
Equipment / Loot
Interactivity (Spells / skills to cast during battle, ala Azra)
Moddability / Workshop
Multiple endings
Post-release updates (Content, story, side-quests, etc)


Adult themes
Family friendly themes
Language options
Puzzles (ala Mysterious Statue)
Release on other platforms (Consoles / Mobile / Handheld, etc)

Do not want

Automation (Place characters, level them up, sit back and watch)
Fast-paced cutscenes (Short)
Pop-culture references, fourth wall breaking
Real life morality / politics / social themes, etc
Story - Player driven (Player chooses direction)

Ordered in alphabet order.
Would love to have:

  • Achievements
  • Battle mechanics
  • Character customization (skill speccing, etc)
  • Challenges (non-canon special battle levels, ala Bonus Levels for books or the Super Sheep)
  • Difficulty levels (Casual/Normal/Hard/Extreme, etc)
  • Equipment / Loot
  • Fast-paced cutscenes (Short)
  • Humour
  • In-depth cutscenes (Long)
  • Interactivity (Spells / skills to cast during battle, ala Azra)
  • Language options
  • Moddability / Workshop (as a hacker/modder myself this is a must :smiley: )
  • Multiple endings
  • Music
  • Post-release maintenance (Bugfixes, balance changes, etc)
  • Post-release updates (Content, story, side-quests, etc)
  • Replayability / NewGame+ / Play+
  • Side-Quests
  • Story - Player driven (Player chooses direction)
  • User customization options (EXP, Gold, Speed, etc)
    Wouldn’t mind to have:
  • Adult themes
  • Character design (appearance / personality, etc)
  • Drama
  • Family friendly themes
  • Graphics
  • Multiplayer (this actually sounds like a good idea. Co-op anyone? :wink: )
  • Fourth wall breaking (just keep it relative to what’s going on)
  • Release on other platforms (Consoles / Mobile / Handheld, etc)
  • Romance
  • Story - Narratively driven (Writer chooses direction)
  • Worldbuilding*
  • Zombies
  • Automation (Place characters, level them up, sit back and watch)
  • Real life morality / politics / social themes, etc (this is supposed to be a fun videogame :S)
  • Worldbuilding*

*Depends on how you do it, I can hate it or not.

I’m a really tolerable person.

Voice acting
Real life morality / politics / social themes, etc
Release on other platforms (Consoles / Mobile / Handheld, etc) (unless the developers can do the UI specifically for each platform. Playing mobile-aimed games on PC often sucks when the developer forces me to drag-and-drop everything and pan the screen around).

Music (in most games I mute it and play my own anyway, sooner or later)
In-depth cutscenes (Long)

I trust that DQ2 with both be a great successor to DQ as well as a new game with new challenges and features.

Hard End Game
Humorous story

Breaking the forth wall

User Interface feeling as if it were meant for Mobile/Touchscreen

Puzzles, within reason.
Unit type effectiveness/lack thereof
User customization options, like the first one had
Mod support

Path manipulation (influence where enemies go based on unit placement)
Breaking the fourth wall (feel free to lean, but not too much breaking)
Sandbox mode, to tinker around and fine-tune strategies (obviously no exp gained, but you could use it to gauge DpS and unit effectiveness, etc.) If this is the same thing as people were thinking with Worldbuilding, chalk me up for that then.

Mobile UI. I’m using a PC, with a keyboard and mouse, and non-touchscreen monitor.

Absolutely no
Microtransactions. See enough of these in games these days, and I really don’t want DQ:MoR to do this, as it detracts from the enjoyability of the rest of the game.

Sarcastic yes
Idle mode

“We’re not adding multi-player or co-op.” Aww. :confused:

This post isn’t about what is actually going to be in the game or not. It’s about player expectations / desires, I remember that ‘no multi’ post a while back too too, since it’s fairly pointless in a TD game, especially a story driven one. :stuck_out_tongue: I just remember a few people going ‘Multiplayer DQ1 plz’.

Ah I see what you mean now.

Oh yes please
Achievements (if they come with rewards)
Battle Mechanics
Character Customization
Difficulty Levels
Interactivity (not too much though. Dont want to be clicking and activating spells every second or it wont feel much like a tower defence game.)
Post-release Maintenance
Post-release Updates
Side Quests
User Customization Options (although not so keen on EXP and Gold modifiers. Perhaps those could be unlockable once the game is completed or something?)

Why Not
Character Design
Humor (as long as it’s not overdone and over-silly.)
In-depth cutscenes
Graphics (as long as it doesn’t venture into 3D. I’d rather see that other elements are improved and excessive time is not wasted on developing it into 3D)
Multiple Endings
Worldbuilding … if I think I understand what you mean by that.

Dont Care
Language (personally doesn’t make a difference to me but it would be beneficial)
Release on other platforms. (A bit like the 3D comment on Graphics, I would worry that too much time would go into it. And also that it might not work well on other systems. I suppose it would depend on how much profit it could bring in.)

Meh. Better Avoided
Pop-culture references
Real life Morality
Story - Player driven

Adult themes

I’m personally cool with Romance so long as it’s done in the way with Slak and Ketta or Azra and Markos.

That is, you definitely get the feeling that something is building there over the course of the adventure (more Azra/Markos than Slak/Ketta), but it all is probably happening after the events of the game. For all the crap Ketta gives Slak she’s still wanting to go with him at the end of the game, and Markos spends his days helping Azra in the library.

Romance in the middle of the adventure is just boring. Because, be honest, you’re not going to write a love story that hasn’t already been done a thousand times before and better. The playful banter between Azra and Markos while they travel through the Pit is infinitely more endearing than them swooning into each other’s arms and professing their love at the final battle.

Oh yeah, I’d be quite happy if it was done that way too. I suppose because it leans a lot more towards the humour side as opposed to… like… genuine romance romance.
For instance, I wouldn’t want to see something like a Final Fantasy X but anything like what we saw in the previous DefQ game I’d be happy with.

Same. I’m not really fond of forced shipping, in a sense. IE Canon dictates that these two are together, because most of the time it doesn’t build the relationship up enough to make it endearing or make the pair in question seem right for each other, whereas subtle ship teasing, or just showing a strong dynamic between people, is much more enjoyable. I don’t go to games looking for romance. I’d play a dating SIM if I wanted that.

In order:
Worldbuilding (that is, fleshing out the world, it’s history, cultures, etc)
Character design (appearance / personality, etc)
Automation (Place characters, level them up, sit back and watch) - This is what I like about TD games, and what differentiates them from other games I play. I like to take my time placing and leveling up the characters and I love seeing the controlled chaos unfold. Plus the rapid clicking of spells and skills hurts my fingers.
Post-release updates (Content, story, side-quests, etc)
Character customization (skill speccing, etc)
Battle mechanics
Equipment / Loot
Story - Narratively driven (Writer chooses direction) - I want both.
Story - Player driven (Player chooses direction) - I want both.
In-depth cutscenes (Long)
Adult themes
Real life morality / politics / social themes, etc - Really depends on how well it’s done though.
Multiple endings
Replayability / NewGame+ / Play+

Removed because I don’t care:
Challenges (non-canon special battle levels, ala Bonus Levels for books or the Super Sheep)
Difficulty levels (Casual/Normal/Hard/Extreme, etc)
Fast-paced cutscenes (Short)
Language options
Moddability / Workshop
Pop-culture references, fourth wall breaking
Release on other platforms (Consoles / Mobile / Handheld, etc)
User customization options (EXP, Gold, Speed, etc)

Removed because I don’t want:
Family friendly themes
Interactivity (Spells / skills to cast during battle, ala Azra)
Post-release maintenance (Bugfixes, balance changes, etc) - I would rather it be a solid release to begin with.
Puzzles (ala Mysterious Statue)