When / What to expect in DQII Beta?

I’ve been checking out the progress bars regularly, and it seems that Beta points are making progress,
so my question is when do we (beta backers) expect to have access / responsibilities?

Is there a sub-forum for beta, and if so, am I registered to it (can’t see it atm)?

Will we get notified when there is more beta progress?


You (and everyone else that is part of the Beta group) will absolutely be notified once it is open, so don’t worry about that. I believe it will begin once DQ2 becomes playable (and “content-complete”), right now DQ1HD serves as the “alpha” version of DQ2, this due to the engine revamp, so once that’s finished it shouldn’t be too long until DQ2 starts… existing.

I don’t think Lars has added the Beta group yet so people signed up for that can’t access the secret threads for that yet, but it’s on the to-do list/bug repo.

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