Wednesday, April 4th, 2012
Sorry for the lack of posts recently. Been busy!
So, Anthony’s working on the NG+ stats and enemy/level design and I’m slowly adding features / fixing bugs / integrating art.
Over the past few days I’ve done the following:
:1nl68nux]Added lots more backgrounds from Karen (we’re at about ~55% of backgrounds in the latest build of the game)/1nl68nux]
:1nl68nux]Added support for foreground elements in cutscenes/1nl68nux]
:1nl68nux]Fixed a memory leak related to the party screen (redesign menu was instantiating and not being cleaned up EVERY time!)/1nl68nux]
:1nl68nux]Fixed a memory leak from loaded data - I wasn’t converting XML nodes to Strings before storing them/1nl68nux]
:1nl68nux]Uploaded our new %url% to the website/1nl68nux]
:1nl68nux]Dealt with paperwork/contracters/etc/1nl68nux]
:1nl68nux]Finished editing an article on our sales numbers that Gamasutra should run next week (originally slated for 4/4, but I wanted to revise it)/1nl68nux]
:1nl68nux]Fixed various bugs (such as sellable uniques)/1nl68nux]
:1nl68nux]Made a mockup of a revision to the options menu/1nl68nux]
:1nl68nux]Profiled the game in search of memory leaks/1nl68nux][/list:o:1nl68nux]
WTF. Something I just did makes characters disappear in cutscenes entirely. Whaaaaat? Long live SVN revert.
Okay, figured it out. Whew.
Adding all the new art to SVN. Wow that’s a lot. Feeling pretty good about background art. At this rate, we should be all done with backgrounds by the end of the month for sure, and might be able to get Karen to do a few bonus items if there’s room in the budget.
Characters are taking a little longer, but the quality is great so no complaints there. If Tyvon can keep up the pace of about a character a week, then by end of April we’ll have new backgrounds + new sprites.
Based on previous work, I imagine new monster designs and stuff should take a while to iron out all the kinks, so give that a while. I don’t have too many more features to do myself, so I’ll be doing a lot of bugfixing / art integration.
Big things left for me to do:
:1nl68nux]Super secret feature/1nl68nux]
:1nl68nux]Get all the books to work, decide on final abilities/1nl68nux]
:1nl68nux]Fix up endless mode UX (ie, better feedback)/1nl68nux]
:1nl68nux]Various UI fixes/1nl68nux]
:1nl68nux]Some backend stuff/1nl68nux]
:1nl68nux]Memory optimizations/1nl68nux][/list:u:1nl68nux]